Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Update: Meet the Teachers day/ Report card day

Dear Parents
           Meet the Teachers day/ Report card day-update fresh from the parent’s mouth. I have been told by several parents that report card day is on this Friday 4th of July – Independence day , a day when parents can get an “independent assessment of their child”. 
 This will become vital for Standard 1 to 3 in light of  PBS –Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah . Year 1 tahu, year 2 , tahu dan faham, year 3 tahu , faham boleh buat. 

If you want more information, please refer to Primary Education

I have not received a formal notice but I believe it may be done by selective invitation on a as required  basis depending on the form teacher.

If there is no formal notice, I suggest you ask your form teacher to clarify

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