Special Announcement

17 /07/ 2014: PIBG SJK(C) LICK HUNG (PIBG LH ) important announcement-update 

Further to my announcement on 23 June 2014 , it is with regret that I have had to file proceedings in the Sessions Court in Shah Alam against a number of parties; in order to  seek information pertaining to several PIBG LH accounts that were not disclosed to me  since becoming YDP as well as other related reliefs/remedies.

While my action to pursue this matter in court may appear to be somewhat drastic, this has been forced upon me due to the lack of response from the relevant parties as well as   an open letter from a senior staff denouncing my action to seek clarification regarding these accounts. I urge teachers and parents not to circulate this letter as it contains libelous remarks which may become the subject of further legal proceedings.

Now that these issues are before the Sessions Court, it is inappropriate for any party to comment publicly about the specifics of these proceedings. For anyone who is interested in the constitution of a standard PIBG, you can click on this link {PERLEMBAGAAN PERSATUAN IBU BAPA-GURU ( PIBG )}

In the mean time, I recommend parents continue to pay PIBG LH with cheques or to get a receipt if you pay by cash whenever possible.

I have issued a directive to the relevant office holders requesting all monies received by PIBG LH to be deposited into the official account with Hong Leong and all payments should likewise be made from Hong Leong. PIBG LH should be able to carry out its normal financial and administrative functions and teachers can be assured that   all tuition fees which are due and payable will be paid as per normal. I will also be available to sign cheques and will continue to carry out my function as YDP.

Thank you very much

Ken Koo

17 /07/ 2014



I have recently discovered PIBG LH has several bank accounts where I am not a signatory as required by the Perlembagaan –Peraturan Pendidikan (Persatuan Ibu Bapa –Guru )1998.

I am in the process of investigating this matter as well as seeking advice from our Headmaster. I have also requested the relevant office holders of PIBG LH to prepare the necessary resolutions for the relevant bank to ensure the bank signatories are the designated signatories pursuant to the Perlembagaan.

In the mean time, I recommend parents pay PIBG LH with cheques or get a receipt if you pay by cash whenever possible.

I request parents not to speculate on this nor criticize any of the AJK members whom I believe are all motivated by the same objective ;namely to serve for the benefit of our children . I appeal to all parents to refrain from mounting any unjustifiable criticism against any AJK member personally or collectively. I admire their efforts to take part in PIBG which is an important part of our educational system and hopefully their efforts will not become a thankless task.

I appreciate parents for being vigilant and for bringing to my attention various issues. I take this opportunity to remind parents that PIBG is not a venue to resolve formal educational issues nor policy matters governing the administration of the school. The principal role of PIBG is to assist the school to bring about better benefits/facilities for our children.  The activities which PIBG can undertake are rather limited and bound by legal and administrative constraints   .

I am sure parents do not want to air dirty linen in public when they have an effective channel for communication. We are all living under the same roof so any damaging revelation will hurt everyone even though there was no malice involved. Having assumed the role for less than three months, I will admit that we have a serious trust deficit issue. Trust takes a long time to accumulate but unfortunately, takes very little to destroy. While MH370 is still fresh in our mind, one thing we must take from this tragedy is the need to manage the flow of information quickly and effectively otherwise we will end up having to manage perception rather than the real issue.

My first job will be to rebuild that trust. If everyone can show a little bit of patience, forbearance and restraint, I am confident that all AJK members will work together to achieve the objective of PIBG , namely , for the benefit of our Children .

Thank you very much

Ken Koo
Chairman PIBG LH  23 June 2014

以下是 中文粗略翻译。。


最近我发现家教协会有几个银行账户没有依据 Perlembagaan –Peraturan Pendidikan (Persatuan Ibu Bapa –Guru )1998- 家协章程来处理 --  即开设的银行账户没有现任主席授权签署




我很感激​​家长们积极的提醒我关注各种问题。我借此机会提醒各位家长,家教协会不是一个解决学校纠纷的组织,也不能干涉学校的行政。家教协会的主要作用是协助学校改进学生的福利和进展及改善器材和教学设备,也可充当家长和学校沟通的桥梁。  除此之外家教协会可以进行的活动都相当有限,并受法律和行政约束。



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