Wednesday, 2 July 2014

REPORT CARD DAY-Friday 4 July 8 am to 10 am

2 July 2014

First let me congratulate the school management for organizing a Report Card Day during their busy academic year.

I am aware that some parents  feel that with only 2 days notice, it will be hard to juggle 2 -3 hours from your busy schedule to meet your child’s/children’s teachers . Please make your best efforts to attend and talk to the teachers about your child’s development and progress , many of you would be meeting your respective teachers for the very first time. Apart from the obvious (grades and position in the class), do find out about your child’s behavior , interaction with other children and get to know his/her best friends and their parents.

For those in standard 1 , 2 and 3 , please ask about the progress of PBS Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah.  How are we dealing with this new system now that the SK schools are going full steam ahead.
If you form teacher is too busy, please try to look for the BM/ENG/Science  teachers who are mostly likely in the staff room if they do not have classes to go to.

If you feel that you would like to have the Report Card day on a Saturday , please convey that to the teachers or the AJK members during the meet the AJK members from 10 to 11.00

I am aware that some teachers may not be pleased with having to spend a precious Saturday in school and some of them may have to attend courses. As a compromise, you may want to suggest holding the next Report Card day on a Saturday replacement class preferable during the early part of the year.

Happy parenting
Ken Koo


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