Monday, 30 June 2014

Meet the Teachers day/ Report card day

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Dear Parents
I received a number of queries asking when  LH will hold  “meet the teachers day”/”report card day” now that 6 months have gone.

This issued was discussed in April but the reaction from the staff was in the previous years, parents did not show during the designated times and very few bothered to show up at all. Instead of having a special day , parents can meet the teachers at all times .

My personal experience is having a “meet the teachers /report card” day annually is an excellent opportunity for parents to meet all class teachers as well as  fellow parents to interact and check your children progress  . If parents were given decent notices in advance , I am sure they will attend judging by the responses from the recent sports day and fun run events especially if it was held during a Saturday.

I am still hopeful that LH will hold a “meet the teachers /report card “ day may be under a different heading but the intention is to encouraged parents to meet the teachers . My optimism arises from the fact that parents were invited (albeit subtly ) for the 2014 Sports day . This may happen faster than you can imagine.

Happy Parenting

Ken Koo

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