Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Update on Tuition

Further to my earlier announcement (16/01/15) ,Our AJK had held a meeting on 17 January 2015 and voted in favour of   conducting  tuition classes AFTER  AGM approval has been obtained . Our AGM is scheduled for 7 March 2015 so tuition should commence by  the end of March . To recap, AGM approval is needed because all fee paying activities must be approved by PIBG AGM. 
I was one of the AJK members who voted in favour of an early start but I was in the minority. However, the school management has its own discretion to conduct free (no collection of fees or subscription from students ) classes or activities without the need to obtain PIBG approval. 

While some parents have made private arrangement for  their children to attend tuition classes, it is also gratifying to know some parents are using this opportunity  to pay closer attention to their children’s homework and spend quality time with them.

On a separate note, I was with a  businessman/politician who is well known in the Chinese education sector. His observation about the main difference between SJKC  and SK children is the latter are more expressive .  He believes that the amount of written work and the parents academic expectations have driven SJKC children to be more conservative  ,communication wise . In fact , the  common answer to most questions is “I don’t know” because a typical SJKC child will only volunteer an answer when he is 110% sure.

With the implementation of KSSR, the way one answers a question is as important as the answer itself.  Our entire generation has been tuned to exams where answers are typically “absolute” with no latitude for alternatives . It will take a fundamental shift of attitude involving  all stakeholders to come to terms with the new paradigm –success is relative and excellence is comparative.

My next article will be about corporal punishment –watch this space 

Ken Koo
28 January 2015


Anonymous said...

My personal opinion on this statement "I was one of the AJK members who voted in favour of an early start but I was in the minority." is it can only be verified through showing proper minute of meeting or a statement from the majority AJKs that they are not in fovour of an early start of tuition. Else it is just one sided info.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...



其实,我们都清楚知道,补习班是要让我们的孩子早点完成六年级的课程,这样就可以争取多一点的时间做无数次的复习。你要知道,我们力行可以成绩标榜,就是因为我们的孩子多做练习,熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect. 一直以来,我非常支持学校的补习,因为老师们是很有素质的,绝对不是多数人一直投诉的那样不专业,直让学生抄书而已。就算有,我相信校方绝对会采取行动,劝导该名老师,以保力行学生的学业程度。这就是我们家长支持力行补习班的动力,希望您了解。

以往,我们都不会有这样延迟补习的事件。我想,可能校方有这样的安排,是想让我们的孩子可以好好享受这段空闲的时间,欢乐度过农历新年吧!说实在,我们的孩子已经习惯放学后补习了, 除了应付每天堆积如山的功课和补习功课外,就是吃饭睡觉,很少有现在这样的机会,完成功课后,还有时间玩乐。 您知道我们身为家长的有多担心?担心他们习惯玩乐后,补习班一旦恢复,孩子又要重新调整心态,重复以往有规律的时间表,到时我们很难管制我们的孩子。
