Tuesday, 20 January 2015

PIBG AGM 2014 -7 March 2015

It is with great pleasure for me to announce our next AGM has been scheduled for 7 March 2015 2.30pm (Saturday) Full details the and agenda will be circulated to all parents at least 2 weeks before the election date .

Please block your calendar and ensure your attendance so you can exercise your democratic right as a parent . Every current parent  (mum and dad) and legal guardian is entitled to attend .
I am also seeking clarification from the Registrar to confirm if ex parents whose children attended their last year of school in LH in 2014 are also entitled to attend and ONLY  vote on the passing of Annual accounts 2014 .

If you have any issues which you like to raise during the AGM, you will have to submit them in writing within the stipulated time once you have received the notice of meeting . You can also submit your questions to me and I will use my best endeavours to raise them during the AGM.

Look forward to meeting you on 7 March
18 January 2015
Ken Koo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear YDP, can you also seek clarification from the Registrar to confirm if ex-teachers (if any) who left school end of last year are also entitled to attend 2015 PIBG AGM to ONLY vote on the passing of Annual Accounts 2014. It is because PIBG means Ibu Bapa and Guru. My personal opinion is we should not leave out teachers also (if any).