Wednesday, 28 January 2015

School Holiday 校历与公共假期

  01.01.2015 Hari Tahun Baru 元旦日 星期四
 *03.01.2015 Hari Keputeraan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. 穆罕莫德诞辰
 03.02.2015 Hari Thaipusam 大宝森节  星期二
 17.02.2015 -22.02.2015 Tahun Baru Cina 农历新年星期四, 五 (学校假期从17/2星期二开始)

School Holiday : 14.03.2015— 22.03.2015 ( 9 hari )

  01.05.2015 Hari Pekerja 工人节 Jumaat 星期五
  3.05.2015  Hari Wesak 卫塞节 0Ahad 星期日

School Holiday :  30.05.2015 ---14.06.2015 (16 hari )

 06.06.2015 Hari Keputeraan DYMM  S.P.B.Yang DiPertuan Agung 最高元首 华诞
 04.07.2015 Hari Nuzul Al-Quran 可兰经降世日 星期六
 *17.07.2015 - 18.07.2015 Hari Raya Puasa 开斋节 星期五, 六
 31.08.2015 Hari Kebangsaan 国庆日  星期一
 16.09.2015 Hari Malaysia 马来西亚日 星期三

School Holiday :  19.09.2015 ---–27.09.2015 (9 hari )

 *24.09.2015 Hari Raya Haji 哈芝节  星期四
 14.10.2015 Hari Awal Muharram 回历新年 星期三
*10.11.2015 Hari Deepavali 屠妖节  星期二
 11.12.2015 Hari Keputeraan DYMM  Sultan Selangor  雪州苏丹华诞 星期五

School Holiday :  21.11.2015 ---–03.01.2016 ( 44 hari )

 *24.12.2015 Hari Keputeraan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W 穆罕莫德诞辰 星期四
 25.12.20145 Hari Krismas 圣诞节  星期五

Update on Tuition

Further to my earlier announcement (16/01/15) ,Our AJK had held a meeting on 17 January 2015 and voted in favour of   conducting  tuition classes AFTER  AGM approval has been obtained . Our AGM is scheduled for 7 March 2015 so tuition should commence by  the end of March . To recap, AGM approval is needed because all fee paying activities must be approved by PIBG AGM. 
I was one of the AJK members who voted in favour of an early start but I was in the minority. However, the school management has its own discretion to conduct free (no collection of fees or subscription from students ) classes or activities without the need to obtain PIBG approval. 

While some parents have made private arrangement for  their children to attend tuition classes, it is also gratifying to know some parents are using this opportunity  to pay closer attention to their children’s homework and spend quality time with them.

On a separate note, I was with a  businessman/politician who is well known in the Chinese education sector. His observation about the main difference between SJKC  and SK children is the latter are more expressive .  He believes that the amount of written work and the parents academic expectations have driven SJKC children to be more conservative  ,communication wise . In fact , the  common answer to most questions is “I don’t know” because a typical SJKC child will only volunteer an answer when he is 110% sure.

With the implementation of KSSR, the way one answers a question is as important as the answer itself.  Our entire generation has been tuned to exams where answers are typically “absolute” with no latitude for alternatives . It will take a fundamental shift of attitude involving  all stakeholders to come to terms with the new paradigm –success is relative and excellence is comparative.

My next article will be about corporal punishment –watch this space 

Ken Koo
28 January 2015

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

PIBG AGM 2014 -7 March 2015

It is with great pleasure for me to announce our next AGM has been scheduled for 7 March 2015 2.30pm (Saturday) Full details the and agenda will be circulated to all parents at least 2 weeks before the election date .

Please block your calendar and ensure your attendance so you can exercise your democratic right as a parent . Every current parent  (mum and dad) and legal guardian is entitled to attend .
I am also seeking clarification from the Registrar to confirm if ex parents whose children attended their last year of school in LH in 2014 are also entitled to attend and ONLY  vote on the passing of Annual accounts 2014 .

If you have any issues which you like to raise during the AGM, you will have to submit them in writing within the stipulated time once you have received the notice of meeting . You can also submit your questions to me and I will use my best endeavours to raise them during the AGM.

Look forward to meeting you on 7 March
18 January 2015
Ken Koo

Monday, 19 January 2015

Bantuan Khas RM 100 发放政府助学金

Dear parents,

The school is distributing the “Bantuan Khas Persekolahan RM 100”

请各年级家长亲自到学校领取政府助学金 RM 100

Date: 20 Jan 2015 (Tuesday)
Time: 11:00 am to 12:30
Place: student's class room

Parents and legal guardians Please bring your IC.
If you cannot make it tomorrow please contact your teacher or the school for special arrangement : Tel: 03 56351333


Friday, 16 January 2015


I have received many called from parents regarding the status of the school tuition classes.Based on the information available to me , tuition will only commence once we have approval from PIBG AGM. Lick Hung has a tradition of conducting tuition classes for higher levels (4, 5, 6) and for standard 6, the tuition hours also used to complete the syllabus early so students can have several trial exams before UPSR which is normally conducted in September.   2015 will be the last year for UPSR

PIBG is required to obtain a mandate from its members during AGM if it wants to conduct fee paying activities from the students . Tuition can be conducted at any time if no fees are charged but there is nothing to stop the parents from making a donation to PIBG . This is an acceptable practice in the interim while PIBG awaits its AGM normally held in March .

I am personally in favour of an early resumption of tuition on the basis of PIBG paying an agreed rates to teachers and  on the understanding that attendance to tuition is not  DEEMED to be compulsory  . I believe that most parents will make an appropriate donations to PIBG to cover the costs of running the classes .  Once we have AGM approval, PIBG can formally charge a fee . Based on the survey conducted in 2013 and the feedback from the parents –teachers dialog  in  June  2014 , I strongly believe that a vast majority of parents will approve tuition as one of the fee paying activities .
The last AGM was held on 14 March 2014 so technically the term ends on 13 March 2015 but with the unanimous approval of the AJK (committee members ),  it is possible to hold an early election .
Parents have also highlighted the problem of lack of electricity and the state of disrepair affecting many classes.  I trust the school will take notice of these issues since they are safety issues .I will also be contacting the Board of Governors to see what they can do to assist since these come under their jurisdiction .

I take this opportunity to thank all the Staff of LH for their dedication and parents for their support during my term as YDP. Special thanks to many parents who took extraordinary efforts to organize parenting  talks , art and craft events and continuous education programs for parents and children.
With our AGM around the corner, I look forward to receiving your feedback on our performance as well as suggestions for the incoming AJK. If you want to take a further step to be more proactive, please let us know so we can share our experience with you .

As usual , happy parenting from your YDP

Ken Koo
15 January 2015

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Welcome Message to All Parents and Children of SJKC LICK HUNG 2015

Welcome back to school following an extended break.  I hope you are all fully recharged and ready for another exciting year .

To our standard 6 children, this will be the last UPSR . Judging from our previous records of academic excellence, I hope 2015 will be a year we scale new heights in both academic and extra- curricular activities.

For those who have children attending LICK HUNG for the very first time, a very warm welcome. I hope your children will have a pleasant term once they have overcome the initial shock/confusion/excitement of attending formal schooling. 

One of the first things parents should do is get to know other parents and if possible, form your own chat group. It is always easier to convey your questions/issues/concerns regarding your children with a collective voice. As your representative, I will be delighted to assist where possible; the issues are varied covering the routine such as transporters, tuition help, after school care to the more serious issues of learning difficulties in SJKC and adapting to a new competitive environment. I have a group of parents who are happy to share their parenting experience with the “newbies”. While each child is different , having the opportunity to share your  personal experience with other parents who have gone through the journey before you will definitely help you and your child to navigate the next 6 years in a unique SJKC environment . 

Please visit our blog . You can also email me at  or call me at 012-3393940

Watch this space for regular updates .

Happy Parenting 
Ken Koo
PIBG Chairman 2014/2015

Friday, 2 January 2015

School year 2015

The school has published the time table for 2015:

Standard 1,2 and  3
Mon-Tue         7:30 - 1:00pm        
Wed - Fri         7:30 - 12:30pm

Standard 4 and 5
Mon-Wed        7:30 - 1:30 pm        
Thu - Fri          7:30 - 1:00 pm

Standard 6
Mon-Fri                7:30 - 1:30 pm

BC Bahasa China 华文
BI Bahasa Inggeris 英文
BM Bahasa Malaysia 国文 
DMU Musik 音乐
DST Dunia Sains & Tecnologi  科学
DSV Dunia Seni Visual 美术
MT Matematik 数学
PH Perhimpunan 周会
PJ Pendidikan Jasmani 体育
PK Pendidikan Kesihatan 体健
PM Pendidikan Moral 道德