Thursday, 5 March 2015

AGM LICK HUNG Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru –Guru

 Parent Teacher Association      7 March 2015 2.30pm

This is part 3 of our AGM series – USUL-  USUL  MATTERS ARISING
Our previous  article provided some brief information on accounts (part1) and election process (part 2)
This article we will discuss the type of issues which you can raise during PIBG AGM.  We will start with some basic FAQ again
1.     Must we submit our Penyataan Usul by the stipulated date which is 27 February 2015 – In theory , any members can ask any question on the day but the Chairman has the right to reject the question unless the question has already been recorded as a question/issue on the Agenda. The current AJK (committee) is supposed to vet all the incoming USUL and make a list for discussions . Given the limited time on the day, it is most unlikely that all will be discussed . Those which have not been discussed will be referred to the AJK for deliberation.
If  a member wants to raise an USUL  which is not on the agenda and the Chairman refuses to accept the USUL, the only way to force the issue is to get a vote from the floor to override the Chairman’s ruling  .

2.     Are members entitled to raise any USUL regarding their children ?- PIBG has  very limited functions and powers and these functions must be clearly separated from the Administrative powers of the School . Please refer to our first article on the objectives of PIBG – it  is not a forum for parents to settle any disagreement with the school teaching staff or administrator . All issues relating to teachers’ conduct, children’s discipline , quality of teaching , method of delivery should be referred directly to the school or if necessary to the district office (PPD) or the state education department  (JPS).
3.     What USUL –USUL are relevant ? The single most important function of PIBG is to empower or provide a conduit for the school administrator to raise funds for the benefit of the children. In this respect PIBG will need to approve all fee-paying activities to be conducted by the school such as co-curriculum activities or any fund raising projects in order to  improve the physical  infrastructure or human resources of the school.   All issues relating to the expenditure of these funds are relevant topics for AGM discussion .

Please find attached PPD’s response in relation to tuition and other fee paying classes “ attach PPD ‘s reply “ 1. Segala aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan kutipan dan pembayaran kelas tambahan sekolah perlu mandat dari ibubapa melalui mesyuarat Agong 2015 (semasa) dan mendapat persetujuan Guru Besar."

The rational of this requirement is simple- Fully aided SJKC schools such as LH is supposed to be “ free” since the teachers , administrative and support staff (cleaners, guards etc)  are fully paid by the government and the school receives a capital grant (per pupil of around RM125 a year) to cover the operating expenses. If a school requires additional funds from parents , it is only natural that parents must give their consent for any fund raising activities.

                           A BRIEF HISTORY OF PAST USUL-USUL
1.     Lack of financial transparency  in PIBG accounts –This has been by far the most contentious issue/ dispute in the past  PIBG meetings .  Unfortunately , AGM is the only venue where you can raise this issue, so the only way for members to ask financial questions  is during AGM. Please attend and ask the questions you have been dying to ask !!
2.     Why is there no water dispenser for children? -This topic had been raised on many occasions since 2012, unfortunately since this solely  relates to children welfare , it has been very difficult to obtain unanimous approval from the school administrator . During 2014, YDP did extensive research and  obtained vendors to quote on the supply of 5 water dispensers  at the rate of 130 per unit per month, inclusive of maintenance and parts ( the dispenser can provide 44L per hour or around 200 L for 5 units ) but it ran into opposition because some teachers felt it was not the function of the school to provide drinking water for the children and  the inability of the AJK to allocate funding .
By way of further information, the water filtration system for the staff room is paid by PIBG and  teachers’ children have access to the water source.  
3.     Why can’t we provide air-conditioning for afternoon tuition classes?
Existing infrastructure cannot support the load of the additional power consumption. Some Teachers also commented it is not necessary as the cooler environment may cause the children to snooze in class!!
4.     Why are the school bags so heavy? –This has been an on –going issue partly contributed by additional books for tuition classes as well as lack of planning and coordination of  teachers and school administrators on what to bring to school. Anyway , this has been partly resolved now that it is a single session school where children can leave part of the books in class  even though it is not very secure .
5.     Why are the toilets so poorly maintained? –poor flushing system, the  need to educate on toilet etiquettes, more inspection, cleaning  and supervision.
6.     The canteen food is greasy and unhealthy, too much junk food, cases of food poisoning  –parents need to constantly check on the quality of food and provide “FEEDBACK”
7.     Poor traffic management –Volunteers needed to help with the traffic flow . In 2013 , PIBG started to employ Rela but it was strongly opposed by teachers AJK because it cost too much and it affected/duplicated  the performance of the guards employed by the school.
8.     Poor ground and building maintenance –This is the function of the Board of Governors but PIBG do from time to time raise funds for BOG . Recently there were accidents involving children falling on sharp and uneven surfaces and thus suffering cuts and bruises. During the first few days of school, several classes had power cut. Parents have also complained of broken doors, light  fittings and fans in poor condition and the list goes on ….

Next Episode- Activities undertaken by Parents

Parents Academic Research Team

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Mr Kao,

Good day. You had mentioned twice that the function of PIBG is mainly to provide financial assistance ( fund raising) according to AKTA Pendidikan 1996. I have some doubt on this matter because I can see there are few other functions such as "meningkatkan kemesraan dan menyediakan saluran komunikasi and hubungan antara sekolah dan masyarakat setempat"

I really hope that there is a better communication
between school, PIBG and the parents.

Thank you for your effort in keeping this PIBG blog.

Below is the link for AKTA PENDIDIKAN 1996 for PIBG