Monday, 11 August 2014

Parenting Seminar (English)

Practical Parenting

It is with great pleasure for me to introduce Ann Law , a well known Singapore based educator , author , motivator and most importantly a mother of 3 wonderful children. Ann will be giving a talk on Practical Parenting next Saturday 16 August 2014 at Sky Part @one city USJ 25/1A , Subang Jaya from 10 am to 12 noon , full particulars of the program are stated at the bottom of this article . 

As at the time of publication, we are not sure if LH will have a school replacement day on that day and if it does not, we will make some arrangements for child care. Please check our site for an update once LH makes an announcement.

This talk is jointly organised by Workwise Management Services and our Parent Academic Research Team as our on-going   commitment to provide a platform for parents to interact and learn from experts as well as share parenting experiences with fellow parents.

LH has plenty of supporters for Amy Chua’s method of parenting aka- super “kiasu” tiger mums to breed tiger cubs. Its also heartening to know quite a few parents are also in favour of Andrew Mathews method –Go with the flow .

Some of the questions I would like to ask are :
1.       Is honesty always the best policy ?
2.       Is physical punishment an effective disciplinary tool ?
3.       Do as I say not as I do –the practical maxim of teaching ?
If you have not bought the ticket for the talk, please be quick as we are only with a few tickets.
See you next Saturday

Happy Parenting

Ken Koo

more information email:

Date: 16-8-2014 (Statuary) 
Time: 10am -12pm
Location :one city USJ 25/1

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