Saturday, 3 August 2013

UPDATE-Help required

(1) 为了改善学校厕所的各种不足,如:缺乏水供,抽水系统,学生随地大解等等, 我们将会分发一份厕所指南给所有的学生。敬请各位父母与孩子们一起细读条规。



(2) 我们需要父母的自愿服务 家协设立了几个小组,需要更多父母的自愿参与,和我们一起努力。

 (a) 如果您的文笔了得,请加入通讯小组
 (b) 如果您的兴趣是美化及绿化校园, 维修, 拥有与地方政府机构交涉的管道,请加入3K(清洁, 健康 及安全小组
(c) 如果您有安排活动,宣传及活动协调的经验,请联络福利小组。9月份的UPSR后,我们将主办一场教育性质的舞台剧,急需要父母于当天做协调工作,希望各位父母前来帮忙。


麦雪儿 敬启

Dear parents,

(1) We would like to solve the school toilet problem, ie no water, poor flushing system, students do their "big business" on the floor etc. We will distribute a guideline to use our toilet to students and we need parents to go through the guideline with your children.

Apart from educating the children, we are looking for a better flushing system to minimise the maintainance. We are looking for contractor or plumber who has experience dealing with toilet.....please contact the PIBG 3K bureau leader, Mr Lai Fah or write to should you know any good candidates.

We need the contractor or plumber to quote us. Dateline for choosing the best candidates is 25 August 2013.

2) Parents volunteers are needed As we have set up bureau in PIBG, we need a lot of volunteers to help us.

(a) if you are good in writing, please join Communication Bureau
(b) if you can help in cleaning, gardening, fixing, or have knowledge on STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDUE when deal with MPSJ, please join 3K Bureau (Biro Kebersihan, Kesihatan dan Keselamatan)- we need lots of volunteers for this bureau

(c) if you have experience in holding events and coordinating functions, please join Welfare Bureau. We have an upcoming educational stage play in September after UPSR, we need parents to volunteer to help to coordinate the event on that day....

Thank you.

Sydney Mak Chin Foong


Unknown said...

For such important and urgent update, best distribute it in paper notice to all PIBG members (parents & teachers), to get immediate attention and soonest response possible.

Also include contacts in the notice.

This notice should be different from school notice, shouldn't be coming from HM.

sydneymak said...

thank you Megan. We will put it up at the notice board outside the school as soon as we get the key.

We will try to get the school to distribute paper notices on this. However, it may be a long queue coz the school is busy producing UPSR papers from other states to prepare the students for the exam.

Meanwhile, i thank you and urge you to help to spread this news to your network of parents......