Thursday, 11 July 2013

归纳式校内评审 Pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah

Pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah


Steffi said...

Appreciate it very much if this memo be translated into English.

I am thankful for the creation of this web site, and for once, I feel Parents are updated. Kindly publish the new board of committees for PIBG.

Thank you.

MYew said...

The notice translated into English and "parent-speak" is the dates of the school-based examination (2/1)
for the second week has been deferred for a week from 23th July -25th July(original dates) to 29th July - 31st July, 2013. This is to facilitate Lick Hung students who are involved in the IYAF (International Youth Arts Festival) competition which starts this weekend.

Steffi said...

Thank you.