Friday, 27 February 2015

AGM LICK HUNG Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru –Guru

 Parent Teacher Association      7 March 2015 2.30pm

This is part 2 of our AGM series – Election of office bearers

Our last article provided some brief information on accounts.
This article will discuss the election process. We will start with a brief FAQ

1.      Who may attend –All current parents (mum and dad)  or legal guardians and teachers . Current parents are those parents with children attending the school during the year of election .
The AJK (committee) can also invite special guests such as observers from the Ministry of Education or members from the Board of Governors 

2.      What posts will be contested – 15 members comprising of YDP (Chairman) TYDP (deputy chairman), Treasurer, Secretary plus 11 ordinary AJK members will be elected.

      By convention of LH, 8 members are from parents and 7 members are reserved for teachers. The 8 members from parents are elected by all members whereas the 7 teachers representatives are elected/nominated by the school administrators. Separately there will be an election for 2 Auditors   . Dissolution of AJK- The AJK for the preceding period will be dissolved and a Chairman for the election process will be elected from one of the members.

By convention, the Chairman will not contest for any post but is entitled to vote .

4.      Who is eligible to stand for election –Any member is entitled to stand for  election  for any post as long the candidate has a nominator and seconder during the election .
5.      Election process –If there is more than one candidate for the post, the contest will be done by ballot and the winner will be determined by a simple majority.


Lick Hung is a large school with enrolment peaking at around 3500 students in 2007/08/09. Current enrolment is around 2500 students with total parents of around 4000. The teaching staff is around 100 plus strong. Turnout from parents for past  AGMs had been generally low at  less than  3% and in many  years there were fewer parents than teachers .

Due to the composition of the members attending (parents voluntary, teachers compulsory ), it would be nearly impossible for anyone to be elected unless the candidates had strong support from teachers . For parents to have an impact in the selection of office bearers, a turnout of at least 300 is needed to neutralize the teachers’ vote bank. Based on previous voting trends , teachers would be influenced /directed to vote for a list of preferred candidates while those independent parent candidates  will have to convince the parents  to vote for them on election day .

AGM is the only event where parents have the right to attend so it is somewhat disappointing that we do not see greater participation from parents. Lack of interest / low participation is a common problem for most voluntary associations / organizations. Apart from the inability to commit, the most common reason for non- participation is the feeling of inability to make any input or change to that organization. 

For those who are very new to LH, 2013 was a watershed year where independent parent candidates were voted in for the first time by a majority of parents who were not satisfied with several school policies including the implementation of compulsory tuition for year 1 and 2. In 2014, a majority of parents voted for the YDP and one of the independent candidates but the remaining 6 positions were won by those who were on the school preferred list after several parents left following the voting of YDP.

While no one can compel anyone to attend, we can only urge you to take an interest  in your children’s welfare by  attending the 2015 AGM in order  find out what has been going on since the last AGM and hope you will let the incoming committee know what you want  for the next 12 months. The most basic responsibility of a member in a democratic organization is to exercise the RIGHT TO VOTE in order to protect the FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION  and the RIGHT OF PARTICIPATION  .

Next Episode- Matters Arising or Usul Usul

27 February 2015

Thursday, 26 February 2015

AGM LICK HUNG Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru –Guru

AGM (Parent Teacher Association)      7 March 2015 2.30pm

You should have received your copy of the Notice of AGM . Over the next 2 weeks , we  will try to provide a series of articles covering this topic with the view to generate some interest in this topic so more parents will participate in the forthcoming AGM.

Annual General meeting is the most important meeting of any organization and PIBG is no exception. The members of PIBG comprise of the teachers of the school and parents who have children studying in school during the current year.  Although the accounts relate to 2014, the ruling (verbal)  from JPN Selangor is that only parents with children in 2015 are eligible to  attend the 2015 AGM.

The 3 key elements of AGM are
1.     Tabling of accounts for the preceding year ( January 2014 to December 2014): and
2.     Election of Office Bearers for the current year 2015 ; and
3.     Matters arising .

In this article we will attempt to give a brief outline of what members can expect during the tabling of PIBG accounts and what to ask   if any member is not satisfied with the presentation of accounts .
In most organisations , accounts are normally circulated together with the notice of meeting so members will have time to read  the financial reports prior to the meeting . Unfortunately , there is no specific requirement for PIBG to do so, resulting in members having to read the reports  upon registration on the day of the AGM . For newcomers with little financial literacy  , it will be difficult to understand the reports which are normally very brief with little or no explanation notes. As part of our attempt to educate our members on PIBG accounts , I have included the financial reports (summarized version ) of 2012 and  2013 so members will have an opportunity to familiarize with the format of reporting .

The objectives ( in so far as they relate to financial matters ) of PIBG as outlined in the relevant sections of the Constitution AKTA Pendidikan 1996  are :
4.2 (3) b-  “untuk membantu dan menambah usaha sekolah dalam memenuhi kehendak dan keperluan kebendaan murid-murid dalam kegiatan mereka “( loosely translated –To provide material assistance to the children in order to  fulfil or satisfy  their material requirements in the course of their school activities
4.2 (3) e –“Untuk membolehkan ibu bapa dan guru dalam sekolah untuk berusaha menambah kewangan sekolah dan meningkatkan kemudahan fizikal bagi tujuan meningkatkan kemudahan fizikal bagi tujuan meningkatkan kemudahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran “ (To enable parents and teachers to raise funds for the purpose of improving the physical  infrastructure  of the school  in order to provide  better teaching and learning environment )

To paraphrase , one of the main objectives of PIBG is to provide financial assistance to the school for the benefit of the children.
In PIBG LICK HUNG, how did it raise funds ? Based  on the financial reports of 2012/2013, the funds came from

Collections From:

          Tuition Class
        Computer Class
           Curriculum Activities (Note 1)
Total  Collections

          Tuition fees paid to teachers
           Trainers’ fee paid for computer class
           Trainers’ fee paid for curriculum activities
Total Fees Paid
Net Collection
Add  - Other Collections

           Lick Hung expo
           Hung Jia Jia’s children theater
           Other contribution
Total Net Collections

Where did the money go ??
Expenses Paid

-   Upkeep of school, music and sports equipment
-   Replacement teachers’ allowance
-   Trainers’ allowance for training school team
-   UPSR cash award – 2012 and 2013
-   Gift, incentive, award for students
-   Teachers’ farewell party & Teachers’ Day celebration
-   Travel and transport allowance
-   Teachers’ refreshment
-   Sports Day
-   Chinese New Year festival celebration
-   Telephone, electricity and water bills
-   Participation fee on out bound school competition
-   Printing and stationery
-   Allowance for school general workers and security guards
-   Insurance on school equipment
-   Sundry expenses and bank charges





Total Expenses Paid Note 2

Note 1.  Most of the fee paying  extra-curricular activities were transferred to BOG in April 2013
Note 2 . RM292,280.91 comprising of PIBG FD and cash balance was transferred to BOG in April/May 2013

Questions –
1. Did the expenditures meet the objectives of PIBG?
2.  What  are the checks and balances to ensure  competitive pricing of service providers ?
3.  Why can’t the treasurer provide a budget for members approval?
4. Do AJK members get paid for serving in AJK?

What can you expect from the  2014 accounts ?  As at the date of this article, I have not been able to examine the accounts  so I cannot give much comment at this stage .

I have been frequently asked : what if the accounts were not approved by the members ?  Will that affect the validity of the meeting ? The simple answer is the meeting will continue (election can take place etc )  and a further meeting will be called to approve the accounts . This scenario occurred in 2013 AGM and the accounts were passed during the subsequent EGM.  In some respects , having an EGM to approve the accounts was a preferred method because it will allow the incoming office bearers to have a better understanding of the accounts since they have to take responsibility of the expenditures occurred during the entire year which include the months before they were elected . In addition, new AJK can prepare a budget for members to approve at the same time.

Next Episode – Election of AJK members 

Ken Koo
25 Feb 2015

AGM Penyataan Usul 家协大会提案

Parents wish to propose a new initiative/improvement to students welfare can put it forward in a motion to PIBG AGM. The deadline is on this Friday the 27th Feb 2015. You can fill in the  form and give it to your child. 

*Father / mother can be proposer and seconder respectively

 If you do not have any proposal, all parents are encouraged to attend the AGM. Please return the from to your child's form teacher by this Friday so that the committee can arrange enough seats for all parents.

download :  Form PIBG Usul 2015




Thursday, 5 February 2015

Corporal Punishment : 不打真的不成器吗?

Corporal Punishment –A case of condoning violence or Spare the Rod Spoil the child 嚴父出孝子,慈母多敗兒, 不打真的不成器吗?

Most of you would have recalled the case of a Malaysian couple posted to Sweden who were charged and convicted under Swedish law of gross violation of children’s integrity. Their method of discipline –canning, would have been the norm in many Asian countries but deemed to be a criminal act in most Western countries.

This is a topical issue in Malaysia as we  consider our laws to align with the Convention on the Rights of the Child . The Star in Page 16 ( 27 /01/2015) with a sub headline-Parents in Chinese schools Okay with caning . I must confess this is one of the most divisive issues even in my own household !! The phrase Spare the Rod , Spoil the child has a biblical root “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him” . There are many   phrases of similar meaning in different languages 不打不成, 棍棒底下出孝, which show a universal acceptance  of corporal punishment in many cultures but why has it been outlawed  now ? 

In the context of child discipline ,  corporal punishment (not amounting to causing injury) was acceptable and it is still acceptable in Malaysia  because of the domestic nature of the act , a case of what a family does within the confine of four walls is a private matter .  

We accept that children have fewer “rights “ because they are not fully responsible for their own acts and if not checked /disciplined , parents will ultimately bear the responsibility . The discussion now is –what is an appropriate form of punishment ? If it is not acceptable to verbally assault /insult an adult, why is it acceptable  for an adult to humiliate a defenseless child ?  Punishment of any form is meant to act as a deterrent ; so a quick slap on the hand of a 3 year old child touching a hot kettle may send an instant message  of “touch means pain “ but will the same message work for a 7 year old who fails to hand in his homework because he did not know how to complete it? Does removing the ability to inflict pain mean  taking away the ultimate tool for parents and teachers to instill fear when fear is the only language they understand ?

As I mentioned earlier, this is a controversial parenting subject with no clear cut answers . Every child is different and every family has a unique set of circumstances .

We are doing a survey on corporal punishment in schools and at homes so we can gauge the parents  response and come to a common understanding on the acceptable  forms of punishment . While this survey is not scientific , it reflects the views of those who chose to respond. When we have many taking part (200 or more ) , it is fairly representative of the views of the parents in Subang Jaya with children in SJKC. You can also submit your comments but please be reminded of the common etiquettes of posting –no offensive remarks directed at any individuals and respect others’ views even if you disagree with them.

*** Irrespective of whether you support, against or like to put forward alternatives, we invite you to comment and take part in our survey.  - Web version only: if you are using mobile version scroll to the bottom and change to web version to vote)
(answer polls: top right of this page (for mobile: scroll to bottom of page and click web version to vote) , add comments at bottom of this post)****

Happy Parenting
Ken Koo