Welcome 2015 Standard One students!
Don’t forget the New Student Orientation
on the 31st this month.
Students are expected to wear proper
uniforms to school. They can also wear the name tag
given during the registration
There will be teachers to direct
students to their classes after they enter the main gate.
Please arrive around 7:30 am and
before 8am. The orientation is expected to end around 10:30am.
The school bookstore will be opened
on that day for parents to buy the school badge (to be stitched on the uniform)
and other exercise books (don't have to purchase text books, they will be provided during the first week of class) . Parents can also arrange for canteen catering for Standard
One and Two students. There will be some day care representatives and
transporters at the gates if you are looking for any.
Parents are also advised to bring a
pen to fill out some forms (e.g. consent for dental care, vaccination and insurance etc). It is a good opportunity to meet the teachers and
your child's classmates as well as their parents.
See you there.
各位同学请在上午7:30 至 8:00之前报到。大约在上午10:30左右结束。
学校贩卖部会有营业,方便家长购买校徽和其他练习簿, 家长无须购买课本,老师将会在上课时发放。(正式上课时必须把校徽缝上制服)。家长也可以安排食堂为一,二年级的学生在开学时包伙食。
当天家长也会填写一些表格 (如签署牙科保健,打预防针和保险等的同意书),所以别忘了带笔和学生资料。