Friday, 21 March 2014

Greetings to All Parents and Teachers

A few weeks ago, I asked my daughter’s transporter why she was always late. She complained of the traffic congestion,  inability to locate the children quickly and at times children being detained in school for a variety of reasons. That prompted me to seek further information from other transporters if they were facing similar problems. No one would have expected that from this very minor issue, I ended up as PIBG Chairman for the 2014-2015 period.

I must say I was ill prepared for PIBG responsibilities even with my past experience as Chairman of different condos, Director of a public listed company and many years as a lawyer .

The keenly contested elections for office bearers in the last 2 years showed that parents were keen to participate in PIBG affairs.  The outcome of the most recent election reflected the wishes of the voters namely, parents wanted  a greater degree of transparency  (financial or otherwise ) and teachers preferred to work with parents who have a track record of working with them. There is no reason why these goals cannot be achieved as they are not contradictory .

 I welcome on board other successful candidates including those nominated by the school. Congratulations to you all and I look forward to working together for a better tomorrow.

Thank you Sydney and your team for setting up all the infrastructure to enable the incoming Chairman the facility to reach out to our constituents .  Thanks for engaging Rela as well , hopefully my daughter will reach home in time for lunch.

I will try to report regularly once I officially assume the Chairmanship.

Happy holidays

Ken Koo
Chairman elect
19 March 2014

Sunday, 16 March 2014


The 2014 PIBG election result:

YDP :  Ken Koo
Ken Koo              168
Soon Kien Aik      116
(Void: 1)

TYDP:   Soon Kien Aik
Ken Choo             132
Soon Kien Aik      134
(Void: 6)

Elected AJKs (parent) 
(Alphabetical order)
Janet Ang
Ken Choo
Michael Hor
Simon Lok
David Seah
Robin Tan

Friday, 14 March 2014

Saturday (15 Mar 2014) Classes Cancellation

The Year 6 Tuition Class and all Co-curricular Activities on Saturday 15/03/2014 have been cancelled due to haze. - published by school.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014



    1.  安装饮水机以提供食水受惠
    2.  安装直接抽水装备来改善厕所冲水系统,以解决下课多人使用厕所问题
    3.  RELA维持放学时学校的交通秩序,确保学生安全。(正在尝试运作)
    4.  提升联系方式 -使用电子传媒以促进家长和校方的沟通
    5.  提供家长与老师们/学校沟通和交流的管道和机会


2013/2014 完成的计划


1. 问卷调查 -主要是收集家长对一至六年纪的补习班的意见。校方在慎重分析家长的意见后,决定取消对一,二年纪的强制性补习。(家协原来建议保留数班让部分需要补习的学生受惠,但基于某些限制,建议并不切实)         Click to see: Survey

借此声明,家协并不盲目反对补习班,也明白补习班的功能,我们只坚持家长的选择权应受到尊重及维持高素质的补习班。 家协会全力支持一切可以减轻教补习班老师负担的计划,以便补习班的素质可以受到提升的同时老师的压力不会增加, 也希望补习班老师的待遇可以受到改善

2. 加强学校与家长的沟通方式
         - 经过沟通后,校方也体谅家长而经常发出书面通告
         - 校方在大门旁设立布告板
         - 成立家协临时网站,,以加强和家长的沟通
         - 家协已设立sms 紧急通知服务

3. 举办红姐姐儿童音乐舞台剧,培育孩子们良好的价值观,也借此为家协筹款。
4. 对厕所进行简单的维修, 教导学生们正确使用厕所及保持厕所清洁的方法

们需要全体家长老师的合作及支持,以便实行我们列出的2014/2015议程.我们希望可以为孩子们建立一个更好的学习环境.但选择在你的手上.我们恳请你出席即将来临的 家教协会会员大会(315日星期六,2pm),爸爸一票,妈妈一票, 为孩子的福利投下:两票. 
-- 还有也期待老师的一票



我们在呼吁,出席会员大会是每一位家长应有的权利。 即使各位家长 没有任何提案,或没有提交家协大会回函,或回复不会出席,你还是有权利改变主意,并出席会员大会。
(如回函回复不会出席,改变主意 请发电邮至, 以方便准备座位)

Friday, 7 March 2014


Agenda 2014/15
Dear parents of SJK(C) Lick Hung,

This year's AGM will be held on 15th March, 2014 (Saturday) at 2.00pm. (at Dewan SJKC Lick Hung)

We, the parents' committee member of the PIBG (2013/14) would like to make an impassioned plea to all parents to make a special effort to turn up in full force to attend this year's AGM.

We would like to introduce Agenda 2014/15 to you and hope to get your full support.  In the Agenda 2014/15, we aim to:

1.    Install water coolers to provide drinking water to the children.

2.    Install a direct flushing system in the toilets to counter the low water pressure of the toilet cisterns.

3.    Engagement of RELA for better traffic control after school hours.

4.    Electronic means of communication to inform parents about notices from the school management.

5.    To bridge the communication gap between parents and the teachers/school.

We, the present 2013/2014 PIBG committee, took office only in July, 2013 and within a short period of a few months, we are happy to say that we have achieved the following:

- Conducted a questionnaire survey to know the wishes of parents regarding a variety of issues, chief of which is the compulsory tuition issue. As a result of which, the school management decided to cancel the compulsory tuition for Standard 1 & 2.

- To improve the channels of communication between the school and parents whereby:

·         The school is now giving out regular notices in black and white to notify parents about school closure, cancellation of tuition etc

·         The school has installed notice boards at the school gates

·         Setting up the PIBG blog, www.lhpibg.blogspot, for better communication

·         Complete the first round of registration of SMS service for contacting parent using SMS during emergency and important notification. The service is ready to be activated during emergency.

- Organised a drama by Hong Jie Jie, with the dual purposes of instilling good moral values in children as well as to raise funds for PIBG. 

- Minor repairs to the toilets and education about toilet usage to improve the toilet condition

We need the support of parents like you in helping to achieve our Agenda 2014/15.  In the long run, we aim to build a more conducive learning environment for our children.  The choice is in your hands.  PLEASE ATTEND AND VOTE in the coming PIBG AGM, 15th March 2014, 2:00pm.

It is said that the people deserves the government that we have. Similarly, at the level of the school, the school children deserve the school management that we get. The PIBG AGM is held yearly to elect the office-bearers/committee for the year as well as to pass the financial statement of the PIBG account and most importantly to discuss about any pressing issues facing our children.

If we as parents do not take an interest in the activities of the PIBG and relegate this important responsibility to a concerned few to attend the PIBG AGM and vote on your behalf, then we are remiss in our duties to our children. To clarify a few misinformation, even if you do not have any issues (usul-usul) to raise and did not fill up the reply slip or you replied that you will not be attending, it is still your right and duty to attend the AGM. To the jaded parents of Standard 6 students, by turning up at the AGM, you could perhaps even "persuade” the school to reconsider cancelling the Saturday tuition and allow the children to have the weekend off.  Nothing is cast in stone and the headmaster is open to suggestions, feedbacks and dialogue.

Note: We are not against tuition and we understand the needs for tuition. we acknowledge and respect the right of parents to opt for tuition and we will support any efforts to improve the quality of tuition. We fully support all plans to reduce the teaching burden of the teachers and to improve the remunerations to the teachers.

( if you replied that you will not be attending the AGM, but change your mind, please email to so enough seats can be arranged)

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

10/3-14/3 Avtivity Schedule

The school published the 10/3 – 14/3 Afternoon Activity Schedule

Monday (10/2/2014): All as usual
Tuesday (11/3/2014) : Year 3 to Year 5 Tuition Cancelled & All Co-Cu Activities Cancelled
Wednesday (12/3/2014) : Year 3 to Year 5 Tuition Cancelled & All Co-Cu Activities Cancelled
Thursday (13/3/2014): All Co-Cu activities Cancelled except Year 6 Olympiad Math.
Friday (14/3/2014): All revert to normal. 

Std 3-5: All tuition cancelled
Std 1-6 All Co-cu cancelled (except 6 Olympiad Math. on 13/3)