家协于 2013年12月4日呈交一份建议书给学校管理层。内容如下:
1。一、二、三年级 - 没有补习班 (自由选择的机会,也开办补习给有需要的同学)
2。四年级 - 每星期两天补习
3。五年级 - 每星期三天补习
4。六年级 - 每星期五天补习 (星期六不要补习)
** 不管校方有任何决定,请提供父母自由选择的机会, 让父母决定是否要让孩子参与学校的补习班。
** 不管校方有任何决定,请提供父母自由选择的机会,
A proposal has been sent to the school management on 4th December 2013. The content is as followed:
Based on the findings of the survey results, we take cognizance of the view and wishes of the majority of the parents of SJK(C) Lick Hung and would propose the following to the management of the school to consider for the 2014 academic year.
1. Standards 1,2,3 - no tuition (optional, provide tuition to address special needs)
2. Standard 4 - two days' tuition per week
3. Standard 5 - three days' tuition per week
4. Standard 6 - five days' tuition per week (NO tuition on Saturday)
** irregardless the decision made by the school, please provide a chance for the parents to make their choice, whether to join in the tuition or not.
** irregardless the decision made by the school, please provide a chance for the parents to make their choice, whether to join in the tuition or not.

6. Opportunity for parents to meet the teachers at least once a year to obtain the report card and to thrash out any issues.
7. The necessity to extend the canteen takes precedence over the roof of the basketball court. The Board of Governors and the chairman of Tabung Pembinaan SJKC Lick Hung need to be informed of the view and wishes of majority parents on this issue.