Sunday, 30 June 2013

After school activities resume on Tuesday 2/7/13

Dear Parents

There will be no after school activities (including tuition) on Monday but will resume on Tuesday (2/7/13)
所有下午活动及进修班 将于星期二(72) 回复正常上课时间

Friday, 28 June 2013


2013 PIBG AGM at 2.00pm, tomorrow 29/6/2013
Parents and teachers are encouraged to attend.

家协延续大会定于明天下午2时举行, 家长与老师踊跃出席。 

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Classes Resume on 27/6

Received confirmation from HM Mr. Tan:
Classes resume on 27/6 (Thursday) but there will be no afternoon activities.


Based on the notice given on 25/6/13: afternoon activities are suspended "until further notice".  "下午活动及进修班暂停,直至另行通知"

Latest confirmation 29/6/13 : there will be no afternoon activities until further notice
最新消息 29/6/13  :下午活动及进修班暂停,直至另行通知

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Lick Hung will be closed on 26/6/13

Received notification from HM Mr. Tan: Jabatan Pelajaran Selangor announced that all schools at pentadbiran Petaling Perdana (which includes Lick Hung) will be closed tomorrow.

Real-time API

Malaysia Air Pollution Index API Real-time updates

This scale below shows the health classifications used by the Malaysian government.
  •   0-50  Good
  •  51-100 Moderate
  • 101-200 Unhealthy
  • 201-300 Very unhealthy
  • 301- Hazardous
state of emergency: If the API exceeds 500

Monday, 24 June 2013

Lick Hung Closed if API exceeds 300

We received notification from Mr. Tan (HM) that instruction from JPS at 7 pm states that : School will resume if IPU (Air Pollution Index) falls below 250 and will be closed if IPU exceeds 300.

Based on the index at 5pm classes at Lick Hung will resume tomorrow unless IPU exceeds 300 tomorrow.

Link to Pollution index:

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Lick Hung will be closed tomorrow due to haze

The Education Ministry announced that schools in several areas including Selangor will be closed tomorrow (Monday - 24/6/2013) due to haze.

We have confirmed with Mr. Tan (Head Master) that Lick Hung will be closed tomorrow.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

"Sports Day"

The "sports day" is apparently on this Friday 21st June 2013.  A Phone call to the school confirmed the following:

Venue: Lick Hung compound
Date: 21st June 2013

Classes as usual on that day : std 1,2,3 - 12.30 pm, std 4,5,6 - 1.30 pm
No extra curriculum on Friday

as of 9am 19/6, we were not able to contact the HM, and he has not replied to our emails regarding this event.

According to the feedback from office staff - this is not the "sports day" and parents are not allowed to attend.