Wednesday, 4 December 2013

呈交给学校管理层的建议书 Proposal to School Management

家协于 2013年12月4日呈交一份建议书给学校管理层。内容如下:
1。一、二、三年级 - 没有补习班 (自由选择的机会,也开办补习给有需要的同学)

2。四年级 - 每星期两天补习

3。五年级 - 每星期三天补习
4。六年级 - 每星期五天补习 (星期六不要补习)

** 不管校方有任何决定,请提供父母自由选择的机会,让父母决定是否要让孩子参与学校的补习班。



A proposal has been sent to the school management on 4th December 2013. The content is as followed:

Based on the findings of the survey results, we take cognizance of the view and wishes of the majority of the parents of SJK(C) Lick Hung and would propose the following to the management of the school to consider for the 2014 academic year.
1. Standards 1,2,3 - no tuition  (optional, provide tuition to address special needs)
2. Standard 4 - two days' tuition per week
3. Standard 5 - three days' tuition per week
4. Standard 6 - five days' tuition per week (NO tuition on Saturday)
** irregardless the decision made by the school, please provide a chance for the parents to make their choice, whether to join in the tuition or not.

5. During the second week of the examination, tuition and school's extracurricular activities be cancelled.

6. Opportunity for parents to meet the teachers at least once a year to obtain the report card and to thrash out any issues.

7. The necessity to extend the canteen takes precedence over the roof of the basketball court. The Board of Governors and the chairman of Tabung Pembinaan SJKC Lick Hung need to be informed of the view and wishes of majority parents on this issue.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

2013 年小六检定考试成绩 UPSR Result 2013

今天是2013 年小六检定考试成绩放榜的一天。







Monday, 11 November 2013

Latest Information and Notice

1 。一年级新生学前班


UPSR成绩将在星期四,14th November,2013 公布。到时将会举行一个六年级生集会,以公布成绩及颁奖给考到七个A和六个A的学生。

每年度颁奖给考试第一,第二及第三名的学生的颁奖典礼,将在星期五,15th November,2013 早上八点假本校礼堂举行。欢迎得奖者的父母出席观礼。




We would like to inform the parents of the following updates and developments.

1. Standard One orientation 
The annual one-week orientation in December for next year's 2014 Standard One intake has been cancelled this year due to the lukewarm response ( only about 50% of students) from the Standard One students. The school management will re-assess the situation after taking a break this year.

2. Standard Five November/December tuition during the year-end school holidays
The annual Standard Five year-end tuition during the school holidays to prepare for UPSR will be cancelled this year. According to the school management, the teachers will be going overseas for holidays.

3. UPSR results are expected to be announced on Thursday, 14th November, 2013. A assembly meant for Standard Six students will be held to announce the results and an award ceremony will be held to reward those who have scored 7As and 6As.

4. The annual prize-giving ceremony for first, second and third position in class will be given out on 15th November, 2013 (Friday) at 8.00am at the school hall. Parents of children who are obtaining prizes are invited to attend.

5. RELA services to control traffic during school dismissal time has been put on hold temporarily due to the uncertainty of the financial ability of PIBG although the headmaster is confident that PIBG will have the funds.

6. Application to MPSJ to redraw the "yellow box" and to put in "speed bumps" at the school's entrance is in the progress.
7. Upgrade of toilet flushing system to solve the "no-water-to-flush problem"
The system proposed is not approved and we need to find and propose other option/system.

The Result of Survey Done by PIBG 2013

The total of respondents to the survey = 2157
  • standard 1 = 329
  • standard 2 = 316
  • standard 3 = 344
  • standard 4 = 334
  • standard 5 = 399
  • standard 6 = 435
(Some parents did not answer all the questions in the survey form)

Friday, 25 October 2013

虽然迟到了一点, 还好赶在假期前,考试后。。。和大家分享

Something to share after exam and before school holiday

Thursday, 3 October 2013




星期二 - 成语时间-用三句成语来创作故事。
星期三 - 写信给老苏
星期四- 创意急专弯 (用老师给的四个天马行空词语来写文章)
星期五 - 新闻新知






Teaching of essay writing

When I teach my children, the most troublesome subject is essay writing. This is because I also find essay writing difficult.

Having read through (author) teacher Su's method of teaching the skill of essay writing,(teacher Su wants each student  to write a few sentences in their communication books daily).  Parents will be able to pick up a few pointers, though we may not be able to reproduce the classroom's environment. 

Monday - the happiest thing
Tuesday - idiom (use 3 idioms to write a story)
Wed - write to teacher Su
thur  - creative writing (use 4 words given by teacher Su to write a story)
Fri - write about news.

Besides,  we could pick up a good sentence or phrase and repeat the usage of the phrase in our conversations.

My common error is to use the wrong choice of words which would adversely the written language, thus the need of parents to learn together with our children.

Try a role play and ask our children to play the role of teacher to teach us and they would gladly teach us.

This is the author's interesting way of teaching children the skill of essay writing. 
Just sharing.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

苏明进 - 「大人做得太多,孩子反而學得少!」  - 反省力的訓練

July 13,2013










"When adults do too much, children will learn little". This principle is one that I have learnt during my stint as a teacher.

For instance, if the teacher prepared and photocopied the term's time table for the students, the students would expect the same the following term. Whereas if the teacher turned the whole exercise into a competition of creative time-table planning, there could be a whole new world of creativity unearthed.

Thus, when we journey with our children, we as parents need to differentiate which activities should be learnt and done by the children themselves and allow them to master the skills. This is not relegation of parental duties but to instead to play a supporting role in the developmental skills of our children.

In our homes, if parents undertake to do everything, we will deprive our children of some great learning opportunities.Parents need to be able to trust and respect the capabilities of their children to be independent. We need to guide them and come alongside them to train them to be more effective in performing their daily tasks.This will foster greater sense of responsibility. 


取自“苏明进 -让孩子潜能大大发光” 及“教孩子一生最受用的36种能力“

没有一个孩子是坏的, 他们知识需要被“懂”罢了!只要遇到一个懂他的大人,他就能将遮盖优点的灰尘擦拭干净,让那潜藏许久的能力释放出来。

老师算是孩子某种程度上的家长;但在某种程度而言, 家长也算是孩子的老师。








  • Monday, 30 September 2013

    我想在这里让大家了解 家协对提升厕所卫生计划的过程:


    1. 家长理事先和唐副看了几次厕所,再和清洁工人谈了以后, 发现除了有硬体的问题(如水压,拉水装置,学生人数和厕所的比例。) 另外一个厕所肮脏的主要原因是用厕所的方式,因此决定做以下几件事,希望能提升厕所的卫生:
       a. 拟定厕所规则,电邮给陈校长后,才由学校复印,老师也协助把厕所规则与问卷一起发给家长,方便家长向孩子讲解。(我们统计了问卷,有90% 的家长已对孩子讲解厕所规则,非常谢谢合作!) 为了不想增加老师的负担,厕所的招贴都是由家长理事处理。

       b. 有个理事还特意抽空去买小垃圾桶,置放在厕所,以方便女同学丢弃卫生棉

       c. 校方也配合家协,同意在休假期间让家长理事,装置新锁(有些门不能上锁),置放 小垃圾桶与在厕所贴上招贴提醒孩子关心厕所卫生




     红姐姐剧场那晚,有家长送孩子来学校,我刚好 站在门口,这位妈妈对我说:我孩子告诉我,厕所有比较干净了。 我还问:你的孩子是男的,还是 女的?妈妈说:男的。


     所以,我才把这消息放上blog,和大家分享!希望家长有空时, 转告孩子,加以鼓励!孩子受到鼓励,必定更开心的去配合,这是难得的机会教育!


    几个小垃圾桶几张贴在厕所的招贴   固然 不能改善厕所卫生  学生态度的变对改善厕所卫生:一定帮助

    I would like to highlight here the efforts of the PIBG AJK to tackle the perennial problem of dirty toilets in the school.

    After the 1st PIBG committee meeting :
    1. After an inspection of the toilets with Assistant HM, Madam Tang, and discussion with the school cleaners, it was ascertained that besides the infrastructural problem ( eg low water pressure, faulty toilet flush, high students to toilet ratio), the main cause of dirty toilets is due to inappropriate usage of the toilets. Thus, we have taken the following measures to improve the cleanliness of the toilets.
    a. Compiling the guidelines for proper usage of toilet facilities and together with the survey forms were distributed to parents to help educate the children on the matter. In order not to add to the burden of the teachers, the guidelines were done by the parents AJK.
    b. Providing small trash bins for the disposal of sanitary towels
    c. Repairing of broken locks on the toilet doors. Pasting the toilet guidelines in the toilets to remind the children to be civic conscious when using the toilets.

    All the above measures are easily implemented and  are cost effective and  are not disruptive to the class lessons.
    Recently we had to remove the guidelines from the toilets after an experienced teacher informed us that there are errors in using the simplified Mandarin words.

    2. We are sincere in trying to improve the cleanliness of the school toilets.

    After the Hong Jie Jie concert, I received some feedback from parents and students that the general cleanliness has improved slightly. Therefore, I decided to share this feedback on the blog so that parents and students alike would be encouraged and motivated to ensure the cleanliness of the school toilets.

    3. We welcome any suggestions and feedback to further improve the cleanliness of the school toilets.

    No doubt just by placing a few trash bins and pasting of toilet usage guidelines in the toilets will do little to improve the toilet cleanliness,  however we are hoping to change the attitudes of the children and we believe this little step will go a long way.

    Saturday, 28 September 2013


    刚在 Popular Empire买了一本 苏明进 (台湾)的书-希望教室, 忍不住要和大家分享 :

    他任教于台中, 学生称他‘老苏’,喜欢和孩子打成一片,擅长站在孩子观点看孩子。


     所以,他用自己的一套方法: 花非常多时间和孩子沟通,聊天,希望了解每个孩子的特质,才能用最适合的方式引导孩子。我看了他教孩子的方式,非常感动!

    苏老师的贴心叮咛 :

    1。 赞美的力量,比什么都强大!
    2。 用‘阅读’治疗‘没有耐性,注意力不够集中’的孩子
    4。 有激励去取代责备,效果永远会好上千万倍
    5。 要教孩子,必须对自己的选择负责


    儿子在幼儿园都讲英语,刚到力行读一年级时,每天回来都对我说:妈,我很忙!我听不懂,查看他的家课,原来他抄写华语是很困难,一个字,他要看几次,才能写完 (比如:’语‘ - 他把‘言“写在一行的最后一个字,”吾“写在另一行的第一个字)。

    为了帮助他,我买了好多儿童故事书,一字一字读给他听。常对他说:华语是一个非常优秀的语文,尤其是成语,短短的四个子,包含许多意思。 刚好去中了国旅行时,买了一套儿童版的”中华五千年“的史记。他开始对华语故事书感兴趣!



    他只喜欢看不是学校课本的书,每天只管把功课做完,upsr 成绩平平,我耐心的等。

    中学五年,他好动,只要是玩的,他都喜欢,足球,羽毛球,篮球,water polo ..
    只要不是课本的知识,他都喜欢。 怎么办呢? 怎样让他静下读书呢?
    我找了一些比较静的活动,比如:弹钢琴,写墨字 (自己也一起学,多话题沟通。)

    PMR 拿了不错的成绩,让他信心大增。读了一点弟子规,我教他做人要虚心,不可太自满,加上英文老师多加鼓励下,SPM 也考得不错。

    上到A-level,有一天,他说: 妈,原来我还没真正努力读书。我放心了,孩子终于长大了。
    到现在,我强调读书成绩固然重要,但做人态度更重要 !


    Monday, 23 September 2013

    红姐姐剧场天使棒不见了 – 过程和感言   21 sept 13

    很开心在2013 新的家协成立后的短短两个月, 校长的支持, 我们有机会可以举办这个话剧。

    一个多月前, 好不容易确认了印票和传单(副主席改了好多次),送到学校,嗯..等了几天,老师没 派,哦.. 原来没人分50张一叠,我赶紧去学校分好。

    Janet 理事提议要把票做成书签, 因此Tiew 理事也花了一些时间,把票一张张切好。女儿帮忙把serial no 一个个印上去.. ,卉,Janet ,朋友,孩子们一起开工绑ribbon,忙得不亦乐乎。

    接到老师的电话,很多老师已收到捐款,要索票,可是接近考试老师非常忙,我就自告奋勇找几位家长帮老师处理,不知不觉,当上了”票务组”。庆幸有个精明的卉(理事),只见她不费吹灰之力,不一下子,数字就整理好了。 主席也帮忙把收到的百多张支票输入电脑。理事们也帮忙把现金存入银行。

    上星期,忽然 Mdm Loke 口中得知之前和老师看过的学校音响、灯光都不能用, 心里很着急,幸好红姐姐可以帮忙找到外租的音响、灯光。


    几位家长理事一早就到校,安排礼堂的椅子,红姐姐工作人员也赶紧set up 舞台。 女理事们不顾仪态,半蹲半爬的把椅子从礼堂台下的小室拉出来。虽然做得又脏又累,大家都很开心!我心里想 :真开心能认识您们。


    原本说好 彩排时间也得从2pm 改去3pm.可是紅姐姐整組的工作人員,包括司儀,演員,燈光及音響的 技術人員, 還有家長理事們,積極而有規律的把舞台和禮堂佈置好!



    感谢校长帮我们亲手移开grand piano, 给我们徵用美丽的学校礼堂, 老师们帮我们处理回条,宣传,更要谢谢捧场的董事董事,校友, 家长. 谢谢主席,副主席,全部家长理事的合作,毫无条件的付出。我很感恩,这是一个美好的回忆 !


    2。几时再有红姐姐话剧呢 ?

    The Magic Wand is missing -   the journey and some thoughts.                     
    Thrilled that within the short period of two months from the formation of the PIBG committee, with the support of the headmaster we were given the opportunity to organize this musical drama.

    After numerous rounds of editing by the timbalan ydp for the tickets and flyers, they were finally printed and sent to the school. After a few days of waiting when the flyers were not given out, I found out the problem. The flyers were not stacked up in 50's copies to be given out to each class. Off we went to the school to sort out the flyers.

    Janet, one of the AJK suggested to make bookmarks out of the tickets. So, a few of the AJK's, Mr Tiew, Huey Huey, my daughter and some friends busied ourselves with stamping the serial numbers and tying ribbons on the tickets.

    Subsequently, we were informed that the teachers would like to submit the contribution for the tickets and we gathered a few parents to set up the "ticket counter" in the staff room. We tallied the cheque and cash collection and helped banked in the collection.

    Last week, we received news that the school's lighting and sound system cannot be utilized for the concert. Fortunately, we were able to source for the rental of the equipment.

    We were informed 2 days before the show,  by the headmaster that the only lift is not functioning  and all the heavy equipment had to be lugged up three floors by pure muscle power. My heart goes out to the Hong Jie Jie personnel.

    Early on the morning of the concert, a few of the parents were already in the school hall to facilitate the setting up of the stage by Hong Jie Jie personnel. The parents took the chairs from under the stage and arranged the chairs ourselves. By 2pm the stage is set for a rehearsal.

    The main staircase near the canteen was locked and guests had to use the narrow staircase near the carpark.  We feel bad for the guests who arrived on the third floor puffing, especially the elderly.

    Watching the expressions of the children, absorbed by the drama, participating in the drama by singing and in the finale where some are moved to tears, made it all worthwhile.

    We are grateful to the headmaster for allowing us the use of the  school hall and for helping to remove the grand piano; the teachers for helping in the ticket collection, the ydp, timbalan ydp, all parents' AJK members for your selfless contribution. Most of all, we are grateful to the chairman of the School's Board of governor, alumni and parents for gracing the event with your presence.

    The only regret is that the headmaster and teachers were unable to be present.

    Some positive comments from parents :
    1. School toilets are cleaner
    2. When is the next concert?


    Saturday, 21 September 2013

    一切已准备妥当! 。。。。。 天使棒不见了!

     正式登场!   日期是:今天

    大家请早到,由于座位没有编号(free seating 孩子坐在前面,大人坐后面,中间就留给VIP 
    观众 最好7.30 pm入场。
    8pm 准时开场。

    还有捐款及索取入场券 请致电家协  010-2506522   


    This morning we moved over 600 chairs in 2 hours..

    PIBG's muscle man

    Sound and lights are ready too!

    Friday, 20 September 2013

    21 September 2013 星期六

    红姐天使棒不见了! 兒童舞台劇。
    "Magic Wand is Missing!" musical drama show by Hong Jie Jie
     21 September 2013 (Saturday)

    要如何打发这个星期六呢 ? 我提议在这个周末你和孩子一起观赏一场儿童音乐舞台剧, 如要了解更多信息例如如何获得入场请致电 010-250 6522, 或游览活动讯息("Event" tab)

    No where to go this Saturday, 21st Sept, 2013? Here is a suggestion : bring your little ones for a wholesome family entertainment to a musical drama show by the renowned Hong Jie Jie. Please call  010-250 6522 ,or click on “Event” tab for more information.

    Venue 地点: 首邦力行华文小学 
    SJK (C) Lick Hung, SS19 Subang Jaya

    Program 议程:-
    7.00pm: Arrival of guests 观众入场
    7.50pm: Welcome address 致欢迎词
    8.00pm sharp:  Show starts 表演开始

    9.00pm Show ends, Dismiss. 表演结束,散场。
    9.00pm-9.30pm Photo session with performer


    Hong Jie Jie facebook:

    Thursday, 19 September 2013

    中秋节快乐 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival


     Mid-Autumn Festival falling on the 15th day of the 8th month according to the  Chinese lunar calendar.   It takes its name from the fact that it is always celebrated in the middle of the autumn season. The day is also known as the Moon Festival, as at that time of the year the moon is at its roundest and brightest.